Our areas of expertise
Environmental engineering
Whether your project concerns a real estate transaction (disposal/purchase) or a change of usage (conversion, requalification, construction) or is situated in an industrial environment (start-up or discontinuance of an activity, ICPE (site of environmental concern), IED Directive), you will need to know about any constraints and the costs of implementing your plans.
The intervention of our Polluted Sites and Soils experts can help you to respond to a dual issue: firstly, estimate whether there are health issues with the site; and secondly secure your project with regard to the constraints identified and the regulatory requirements.
From the first photograph of the site to the delivery of your project, we will therefore be by your side at every stage, to accompany you and enable you to address all of the health, financial and regulatory issues serenely.
Understanding your project is the cornerstone that will allow us to advise you effectively and secure your project at each of its stages as regards the "pollution" risk.
Our mission:
The relevant of our proposals rests jointly on:
We apply a comprehensive approach to the Polluted Sites and Soils issue, adapted specifically to your project and meeting the requirements of the LNE-SSP certification standard, based on French standard NF X 31-620 of December 2021 on Polluted Sites and Soils.
As part of a Group with resources in over 15 areas of technical expertise, we work closely with the different departments, pour to ensure greater responsiveness and a comprehensive vision of the technical issues of any given site.
The same approach is now enabling us to integrate BIM into our processes and deliverables.
Your problem
Your need, our support
Does your project include any of the following
Your problem
Does your project include any of the following
Your need, our support
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Your need, our support
Your problem
Your need, our support
Your problem
Your need, our support
Your problem
Your need, our support
Your problem
Your need, our support
Fondasol is a member of UPDS.
Trade fairs, ministerial meetings, universities and engineering schools: our staff contribute actively o the visibility of their expertise.
Fondasol Group in 2025
of the capital held by employees
sites worldwide