Our areas of expertise
Geotechnical laboratory
Based on our experience and the in-house expertise at Fondasol, as well as our routine tests, we are also able to carry our and/or develop and/or custom tests for your project.
The measurement of the propagation of Vp and Vs sonic waves in rocks is governed by standards NF P 94-411 - NF P 18-417 - NF EN 12504-4.
This non-destructive test must be done ahead of and as a complement to compressive strength tests on rocks.
The aim is to determine the E and G moduli as well as Poisson's ratio.
Measuring electrical resistivity by the WENNER PROBE method is governed by British standard BS 1377-3.
This test aims to determine electrical resistivity (Ohm.m), which indicates the relative capability of the soil to carry electric currents and the ability of the material to withstand the displacement of free electrical charges (electrons, ions) under the effect of a magnetic field.
The measurement of the thermal conductivity of soils and rocks by the thermal needle probe procedure is governed by ASTM 5334 and IEEE guide Std 442-1981: IEEE Guide for Soil Thermal Resistivity Measurements.
The thermal conductivity value l (in W/m.K) is defined as quantity of heat transferred per unit time per unit area at a temperature gradient of one Kelvin per metre.
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