
GF Stade (C)Fondasol 200521 HD (19)

100 drilling workshops

Our technicians and our 100 drilling teams are mobilised every day out in the field to serve your projects. 

  • Hydraulic units (light and heavy)
  • Pneumatic units 
  • Mixed hydraulic and penetration testing units 
  • DCP units 
  • Heavy duty SCP unit 
  • Equipment for work in cramped or difficult-to-access sites

This equipment, which ranges from 15 HP to 175 HP is used for investigations at depths of between 5 and 200 metres. 

Our unit dedicated to complex investigations can either conduct direct operations or back up local teams for interventions on cramped sites, or requiring a pontoon for access or helicopter transport.

GF Stade (C)Fondasol 200521 HD (4)

In-situ investigations

  • Sampling and reconnaissance surveys: core drilling, destructive testing, auger, mechanical excavator, clamshell bucket
  • Mechanical testing: standard pressuremeter and up to 13 MPa, rock dilatometer, static and dynamic cone penetrometer, piezocone, phicometer, SPT, scissometer
  • Hydrological testing Nasberg, Lefranc, USBR, Lugeon tests, pumping tests, double ring infiltrometer, very low permeability
  • Borehole logging: recording of drilling parameters, gamma ray logging, borehole deviation
  • Instrumentation: piezometer, inclinometer, settlement gauge, crack meter, extensometer, strain gauges
  • Road construction tests, in conjunction with our Earthworks teams: nuclear density gauge, plate bearing tests, sand patch test, PDG 1000 penetrodensitograph, Benkelman beam deflection measurements
  • Soil pollution tests, in conjunction with our Environment teams 

Our technicians and drilling teams also carry out investigations in connection with the ELAN housing law in France, working closely with our myGéo by Fondasol teams.

Implant Sondages ST GAUDENS 2

Ensuring the safety of our teams' interventions

To ensure safety on our jobsites, our teams:

  • are responsible for submitting the DICT (Declaration of intention to commence work).
  • draw up clear site layout plans,
  • are AIPR-accredited (Authorisation to work in the vicinity of utilities)

We ask our partners specialized in Underground infrastructure detection to make drilling points safe  whenever necessary.

Key figures

Fondasol Group in 2025

100 M€





of the capital held by employees


sites worldwide