
Pont Hardt 10 10 680

Detailed inspections

Damage survey

  • Visual diagnosis
  • Periodic Detailed Inspection ("IPD") according to ITSEOA (technical guide to the surveillance and maintenance of civil engineering structures)
  • Remote inspection by ultra-high definition photography
  • Inspection by drone equipped with an HD camera of very large structures (dams, viaducts, water towers, etc.)
PSM Diagnostic Dallage


Drawn up after the detailed inspection, the diagnosis is an in-depth survey of the structure.

It contains information on:

  • damage observed,
  • constructional features,
  • geometry of the structure,
  • state of the steel reinforcements,
  • materials constituting the structure
PSM Gordes 4050 72Dpi

Reconnaissance, investigations and analyses

Reconnaissance surveys and investigation campaigns

  • Non-destructive auscultation of structures: detection of steel reinforcements using a Ferroscan© pachometer up to 10 cm and radar up to 50 cm depth
  • Destructive drilling with a pneumatic drill
  • Taking of samples: core sampling, disk cutter, very deep drilling
  • Qualification of materials: measurements of the corrosion potential or reinforcements, measurement of carbonation depth, surface hardness with a sclerometer, measurement of adherence of a coating using a force gauge, ultrasound measurements in concrete, video endoscope inspection, etc.
  • Monitoring instrumentation: light or continuous instrumentation

Laboratory analyses and tests

  • Mechanical tests on concrete: compressive and tensile strength of concrete
  • Physical/chemical analyses: measurements of density/porosity, measurement of carbonation depth on concrete, chloride content, etc.


  • Photographic reporting
  • Marking of damage on plans, structural plans
  • Ranking of damage
  • Opinion on the structure's state of conservation
  • Calculation of bearing capacity
  • Recommendation of repair work


<< From the data acquisition to the deliverables, watch a video illustrating the detailed inspection of a civil engineering structure

Key figures

Fondasol Group in 2025

100 M€





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