Change: job, region, speciality

Geographical mobility

Mobility between jobs,

Even mobility between specialities...

The career opportunities at Fondasol group are many and varied.

Change: job, region, speciality, ...

Mobility between jobs

The jobs we offer are technical, and there are opportunities to climb the career ladder on the investigations or the engineering side:

  • from driller's assistant to drilling foreman, technician or instructor…
  • from technician to engineer…
  • from trainee to manager of an activity, an agency, even regional manager…
  • from engineer to lead technical expert or sales manager…
  • from technician to manager of an activity, an agency
  • from engineer to CEO!

Geographical mobility

Maybe you want to return to your home region or discover a new one?

Maybe you are tempted by a move to take up the challenge of a new role or something out of your comfort zone?

Tempted by sunnier climes?


There are mobility possibilities in our 30 agencies in France and our 5 agencies in Luxembourg, Morocco, Senegal and now Canada. 

Mobility between specialities

Although this kind of move is less common, there are also possibilities for moving from one speciality or area of expertise to another.

Mickaël has scored a hat-trick! 

  • a move from Paris to Strasbourg
  • a transfer from geotechnical engineering to the environment
  • promotion from site technician to engineer!

Discover Mickaël's journey in the video.