Careers page
Building to last, together
We are working to transform our businesses and areas of expertise to offer a wider range of practices and approaches to ensure our sustainability as a company - and for the benefit of all concerned!
We are constantly integrating new technologies into our tools and methods and we take a multi-field/multi-skill-based approach to our work.
Since this transformation is inevitable, we may as well take control of our own destiny.
Our watchword:
Be ready and able to adapt, and show agility and flexibility - even when you're aged over 60!
We are upgrading our tools towards web applications at every stage of our production chain (investigations, laboratory, calculation, etc.).
We are looking to artificial intelligence to transform our historical database of 1.5 million test points into decision-making tools.
We are thinking about connected, electrical, autonomous drilling equipment, for example.
Upgrading our tools, linking them to the digital transformation means acquiring tools that are more relevant and more efficient, for the benefit of our staff and our customers
It also means adapting the missions we undertake, to offer engineering services with more advice, choices and options.
First of all and naturally by combining our geotechnical expertise with geophysics and natural risks.
Now offering a panel of solutions that can draw on no less than 15 areas of expertise, we are evolving towards a global multi-skills based approach, taking account of the expertise and conclusions of each contributor to make our recommendations.
See a video with Mouloud's story - he's been a Fondasoler since 2003.