Rethinking and making choices for the common good
At Groupe Fondasol, we make sure to listen to our employees and implement actions that improve both their well-being and collective performance, as well as the balance between professional and personal life.
We encourage requests for geographic mobility for personal reasons (such as following a spouse, desiring a different lifestyle, or returning to one's home region) or for life projects in another country where the Group operates, through local contracts.
Our telecommuting agreement allows employees whose roles permit it to work two days per week from home. This approach is supported by equipment allowances and financial assistance for setting up an appropriate teleworking setup.
A flexible working time arrangement is also offered to administrative staff or field employees, through the implementation of alternating 4-day weeks with 5-day weeks.
1 in 2 employees will be teleworking in 2024
(of the workforce eligible for telecommuting)
We ensure the right to disconnect from professional digital tools outside of working hours.
We also encourage our employees' choices for sustainable mobility through our sustainable mobility package and the implementation of a Vélotaf package. Our employees also have the option to forgo their company car in exchange for financial compensation and access to sustainable mobility options. The electrification and hybridization of our vehicles also includes providing electric pool vehicles in our offices.
Encouraged to practice solidarity, our employees can benefit from caregiver leave, family solidarity leave, or donate their vacation days to colleagues who need to care for a seriously ill or disabled family member.
Additionally, employees benefit from a Time Savings Account and two days of leave per year for caring for a sick child.
Since 2017, Groupe Fondasol has implemented a majority employee shareholding structure, both in terms of capital and number of employees.
Our employees have all the resources to discover a new profession, evolve in their current role, and/or acquire transversal skills through initial or continuous training, which is inherent to our DNA.
5%: the share of revenue dedicated to training
Our initial training allows new recruits to discover a profession, such as drilling assistant or laboratory operator.
For these initial trainings, we also ensure that the experience gained over the years can be turned into a qualification: for example, our drillers in team leader positions can obtain a VAE Sondeur, equivalent to a vocational high school diploma, granting them the title of "Geotechnical Driller."
21: the number of drillers who completed a VAE by the end of 2023
Throughout their career, each employee has the opportunity to change roles or areas of expertise, such as from drilling assistant to team leader or instructor; from technician or assistant to assistant engineer; from engineer to data scientist...
80 : the number of job transitions in 2023
(out of 850 employees)
Committed to the principles of non-discrimination based on gender and professional equality between women and men, we are signatories of the Engineering Charter for Gender Diversity by Syntec Engineering.
Nous avons également à cœur d’attirer les femmes vers nos métiers techniques, quel que soit le métier ou le lieu où il s’exerce. L’objectif? Donner envie de bâtir avec nous une carrière longue et ascendante: des femmes recrutées comme opératrices de forages peuvent ainsi devenir cheffes d’équipe de forages ou techniciennes; depuis 2023, nos assistantes ont la possibilité de devenir ingénieures assistantes, une passerelle saisie par plusieurs d’entre elles.
We are also dedicated to attracting women to our technical professions, regardless of the role or location. The goal? To inspire them to build a long-term and progressive career with us: women recruited as drilling operators can, for example, become drilling team leaders or technicians; since 2023, our assistants have had the opportunity to become assistant engineers, a path embraced by several of them.
In 2023, the following promotions were made (Fondasol France) :
12% of the female workforce
14% of the male workforce
We ensure that everyone benefits from equal treatment and opportunities throughout their career, regardless of gender, while creating conditions that favor women's access to positions of responsibility, particularly in management roles.
30%: the share of women on our Executive Committee
43%: the share of women on our Scientific and Technical Committee
Professional Equality Index (Fondasol France)
This index is based on the evaluation of five indicators defined by Decree No. 2019-15 of January 8, 2019. It covers all employees of Fondasol France: site and laboratory staff, assistants, engineers, activity and agency managers, department heads, support functions (excluding Management Committee)...
86 points out of 100 for the year 2024
We are committed to ensuring that our employees carry out their work safely.
Committed to the inclusion of employees with disabilities or those facing limitations in carrying out their job, we take actions to support their retention in employment or their professional integration.
Our Disability Reference regularly conducts awareness campaigns, based on the action diagnostics and tools developed by Agefiph.
We specifically support employees with a RQTH (Recognition of the Status of Disabled Worker) by providing workplace and working hours accommodations, an expanded and personalized training offer, and 100% funded CESU Handicap vouchers.