Proposing new soil engineering
Enhancing added value, streamlining processes, and boosting efficiency. Putting critical thinking at the core of our engineers' daily work. These are the goals of the digital tool suite we’ve designed for our engineering and investigation teams, supporting them from the initial site assessment phase of a project to calculations and design.
LIANAKA leverages soil data, geostatistics, AI, and human analysis to transform soil risks into opportunities, helping to optimize and decarbonize construction projects. LIANAKA integrates a platform providing clients with direct access to data, particularly during the planning phase.
100% electric, lightweight, ergonomic, connected, and autonomous: these are the features of CLEA, the next-generation drilling rig designed by Groupe Fondasol. The result? Significant benefits in terms of carbon and noise impact, ergonomics, drilling parameters, project monitoring, and decision-making support for teams.