CLEA: A 100% Electric Drilling Rig with Multiple Advantages

The result of several years of R&D and innovation, CLEA represents a major advancement in the world of drilling rigs and in the decarbonizing of the Group's activities. An acronym for Connected, Lightweight, Electric/Ergonomic, Autonomous, CLEA is the first 100% electric drilling rig in France.

This electrification provides CLEA with numerous benefits, including reduced carbon impact and noise levels, improved measurement quality, real-time sharing of drilling parameters, and enhanced operational guidance and maintenance capabilities.

CLEA also optimizes workplace ergonomics, leading to reduced load handling and improved gestures and postures.

Offering autonomy of one to two weeks and power equivalent to a 50 HP combustion engine, CLEA performs the most common geotechnical and environmental surveys and tests. It is adaptable to a variety of environments (urban, industrial, agricultural) and indoor work requiring zero gas emissions.

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The Benefits of CLEA in Detail

0 GHG Emissions

CLEA produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, avoiding the production of 8.2 tCO2eq per year compared to a standard drilling rig. While contributing to the decarbonization of an investigation campaign is one of the key benefits of CLEA's electrification, it is far from the only one!

Connected - Optimized Drilling Parameter Measurements with Real-Time Visibility

CLEA provides the operator with real-time visibility of drilling parameters during operations, facilitating communication with the project engineer and enabling potential remote adjustments.

The high efficiency of CLEA's electric motors also ensures greater precision in the application and acquisition of drilling parameters.

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Lightweight - Common Surveys and Access to Numerous Sites
  • With power equivalent to a 50 HP combustion engine, CLEA is a lightweight drilling rig capable of performing the most common geotechnical and environmental surveys and tests.
  • Weighing just 2.7 tonnes, CLEA can be transported on a 3.5-tonne trailer, offering a compact solution that facilitates access to a wide variety of sites.
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Electric - Zero GHG Emissions, Reduced Carbon Footprint, Optimized Maintenance, and Improved Result Accuracy

What are the immediate benefits of CLEA's electric motors? A significant reduction in the carbon footprint of investigations, zero gas emissions—essential for certain projects—and quiet operation.

Other key advantages of CLEA's full electrification include:

  • Enhanced measurement quality of drilling parameters, leading to more representative results.
  • Reduced wear and tear on components, minimizing maintenance needs.

With at least one week of autonomy, CLEA can be recharged using either a standard electrical outlet or a charging station.

Carbon Impact
-35 kgCO2eq per drilling day, or -8.2 tCO2eq per year
(compared to a standard drilling rig).

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Ergonomic - Multifactorial Improvement of the Workstation

An ergonomic study was conducted to optimize the overall layout of the workstation, covering all phases of the investigation process: material transport and setup, positioning on the drilling point, and the drilling phase itself.

CLEA is equipped with:

  • Articulated racks on its sides,
  • A remote control system, and
  • A workbench at the rear for on-site maintenance of drilling equipment.

These features significantly reduce load handling and optimize operator postures. Additionally, the quiet operation of the electric motors enhances operator communication and improves the perception of drilling-specific sounds, further contributing to workplace comfort.

Significant Reduction in Noise Levels

Autonomous - Support for Drilling Control and Decision-Making

CLEA provides operators with drilling parameter guidance, adjusting based on the encountered ground conditions to enhance decision-making and control.

The Result of Several Years of R&D

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The Origins of CLEA Date Back to 2017, with the Launch of the Project Feasibility Study

Once this step was validated, a testing phase spanning over a year began in the summer of 2021 to confirm the promising conclusions and optimize the battery dimensions. A demonstrator was built using an existing Fondasol drilling rig, replacing hydraulic motors with electric actuators for all elements required for drilling operations.

With the testing phase proving successful, the development of a 100% electric prototype was initiated in the summer of 2022. This phase focused on electrifying all movements and optimizing battery performance.

A new milestone was achieved in the summer of 2024 with the deployment—on-site—of the CLEA prototype. Assigned to the Nantes branch, this is the first edition of a long series that will gradually join Groupe Fondasol agencies in the coming years.

CLEA's Identity Card

  • Name: CLEA
  • Design: FONDASOL
  • Power: 50 HP
  • Operation: 100% battery-powered
  • Autonomy: 1 to 2 weeks depending on ground conditions
  • Specialty: Most common geotechnical and environmental surveys and tests

Drilling Techniques:

  • Pressiometer Drilling: Up to 15/20 m – Ø 64 mm
  • Core Drilling: For disturbed or intact sample collection up to 10/15 m – Ø 90 mm to 116 mm
  • Polluted Site and Soil Sampling: Using auger or core barrel at shallow depths

Key Benefits

  • No Limits for Common Surveys: CLEA is designed to handle the most typical geotechnical and environmental investigations without restriction.
  • Precision in Drilling Parameters: Enhanced acquisition and measurement accuracy for optimal results.
  • Decarbonized Investigation Campaigns: CLEA operates without fossil fuels or potentially polluting fluids (diesel, hydraulic fluids).
  • Zero Exhaust Emissions: Eliminates nuisances caused by thermal engine exhaust.
  • Ergonomic Design: Prioritizes the well-being of teams through improved workstation design.
  • Minimal Noise Pollution: Quiet electric motors reduce noise impact for teams, nearby residents, and wildlife—only the tools themselves are audible.

Discover CLEA's Advantages in an Infographic