Comprehensive solutions for lasting success
Ensuring your buildings and structures are built to last is what our engineering consultancy competencies are all about..
To provide you with even more solid support, we have enriched the skills we offer to bring you concerted, comprehensive solutions across a wide range of areas of expertise.
We thus offer you comprehensive support to deal all the issues that can arise in connection with the ground and (infra)structures.
Innovating to make the subsoil a source of strength
As land becomes scarcer and more expensive, subsurface conditions are becoming more important than ever.
We draw on 60 years and a historical data source consisting of 1.5 million test bores to design and provide you with the benefit of innovative, high-performance tools to meet those challenges.
Predictive and decision aid tools, GIS, web applications, tablets are already part of our daily practice, and will soon be joined by artificial intelligence.
Agile, all-terrain teams
Projects are changing. So are we. However simple or complex the project, we are ready to tackle every challenge, adapting to your requirements and the constraints imposed by the site We mobilise to provide you with advice, prompt responses and quality. We carefully consider the best technical solutions for each phase of the project, to ensure successful completion.
Votre confiance, notre fierté
Your satisfaction is important to us and being given your long-term trust is even more important.
Our pride? Knowing, whenever we pass by a project that we contributed to, that we did our bit - even if the nature of our work means that our bit is invisible!