
Profil En Long Lithologie Geotechnical studies


Digital transformation | Fondasol-SoilCloud partnership

Since January 2020, and after a year of working with  SoilCloud, a precursor in the digital transformation in geotechnical engineering, 260 Fondasolers are now using the SoilCloud web app to process and interpret the data from geotechnical surveys and tests.

A fruitful year's collaboration

Fondasol is the first geotechnical survey firm in Europe to use the SoilCloud interoperable solution, which also offers the possibility of building a geotechnical database with data from the jobs as and when they are completed.

The use of the system by all of our staff was preceded by a year of collaboration. That year enabled:

  • Fondasol to match all the potential of the SoilCloud application with its internal processing, including the retrieval of data from the drilling teams' tablets and the generation of investigation reports,
  • SoilCloud to test its application.


Further progress

This solution is another step forward in the digital transformation undertaken by Fondasol in 2014 to manage and exploit its data.

In the last years our teams have thus incorporated into their daily activities:

  • tablets, for drillers and technicians,
  • the GID - Geographical Information System,
  • the ERP combined with the steering of our activities

Other projects have also completed our ecosystem, in the areas of calculation and artificial intelligence, most notably Solscore, our decision aid tool for your construction projects.

SoilCloud in pictures

Search for a project
Search for a project

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Print out pressuremeter test results
Print out pressuremeter test results

icon Print out pressuremeter test results

View the lithology of the plot
View the lithology of the plot

icon View the lithology of the plot

Print out the investigation report
Print out the investigation report

icon Print out the investigation report

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