
A11 Vinciautoroutes Major Design Projects


Fondasol Major Design Projects through a few projects

Fondasol Major Design Projects and its teams work on the geotechnical design missions necessary to your large-scale projects.

Linear transport infrastructure or civil engineering projects: our teams are ready to take on any challenge!

Find out all about some of their interventions below.

Also, don't hesitate to consult our Past projects section. 

©image: VINCI Autoroutes, A11 motorway

SGP Tunnelierflorence

Grand Paris Express, Line 17 North

  • Geotechnical engineering Assistance to Contracting Authority mission for all the structures in the Line 17 North operation for the Grand Paris Express between Le Bourget RER (excluded) and Le Mesnil-Amelot, in a consortium with our sister company Prodétis, specialised in structural studies
  • Contracting authority: Société du Grand Paris

Find out more: see our news

©photo: Florence tunnelling machine, Société du Grand Paris

Main Une Vue Du Tram D Aubagne C Wa

Val'Tram, Bouches du Rhône

  • Prime Contractor for the Val'Tram tram line project – G2 and G4 missions, in a consortium with INGEROP and Strates Architecture
  • The project concerns the creation of a  tram line approximately 14 km long between Aubagne railway station and La Bouilladisse (Bouches du Rhône), running along the old Valdonne railway track. An extension to an existing tram line, the project serves five municipalities in the urban area; its twelve stations will mainly be designed with double tracks so that tram can cross.
  • The project includes reworking the platform, the new tracks, the electrification, the creation of stations, the adaptation of existing civil engineering structures (over 80 structures including railway and road bridges, tunnels, retaining walls) etc.
  • Contracting authority: Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan authority (MAMP)


©photo: MAMP

Amnagement Porte De France Vue Arienne

Restructuring the Porte de France roundabout, Ain

  • G2 AVP-PRO-ACT/DCE and G4 missions, combined with a G5 hydrogeological mission in the PRO phase as part of the restructuring of the Porte de France area of Saint-Genis-Pouilly (01)
  • The project includes the separation into different levels of two main roads with 4-lane, 600 m long tunnel and several underpasses – creation of junctions with traffic lights and civil engineering structures to cross the tunnel, plus a dedicated access to the CERN and the Technopôle
  • Contracting authority: Ain Departmental Council. Lead contractors: SEGIC Ingénierie/CAEI

Find out more: see our past projects section

©photo: Ain Departmental Council.


ITER TB12, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (Bouches-du-Rhône)

  • G3 mission in the STUDY phase and MONITORING phase and a G5 diagnostic mission concerning karstic voids, for the construction of buildings B34, B37, B71 and B75, the A30 and A31 areas as well as busbar and cryoline bridges. 
  • Situated on the Cadarache site, the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) project is an international research project. The project involves building an unprecedented nuclear fusion installation, with the aim of demonstrating the scientific and technical feasibility of producing sustainable energy by a process of nuclear fusion of a deuteriem-tritium plasma.
  • Prime contractor: F4E
  • Main contractor: Demathieu Bard Construction

©photo: Demathieu-Bard


A11 motorway, alterations to the Porte de Gesvres section (Nantes bypass)

  • G3 mission  consisting of geotechnical construction surveys for nailed walls and civil engineering structures (PS4bis, PS4ter, PS3bis and D30 gantry)
  • The project consists of reconfiguration the road interchange situated at Porte de Gesvres, where the A11 meets the Nantes ringroad. The aim of the operation is to provide 2x2 lane continuity for the links between these two parts of the ringroad. The operation also provides for crossover lanes (or exchange lanes) on the northern ringroad and the eastern ringroad.
  • Contracting authority: VINCI Autoroutes
  • Construction contractors: Bouygues TP RF-Colas consortium

Other recent linear infrastructure & transport projects

  • A61 motorway, Aires de Bizanet section/A61-A9 junction widening to 2x3 lanes: A widening project with earthworks, drainage, civil engineering structures, roadways, equipment ("TOACHE Elargissement Est") | Razel-Bec: G3 mission in the study phase, for construction studies for the widening of cut-and-fill between PK 366,600 and PK 377,100
  • A10 motorway, widening to 2x3 lanes between Veigné and Sainte-Maure-de- Touraine | Bouygues TP RF-Colas consortium: G3 mission for civil engineering structures - work packages 3 and 4, comprising the performance of geotechnical construction surveys about twenty civil engineering structures (such as overpasses (PS), underpasses (PI), PH), and the related noise barriers and retaining walls.
  • Doubling of the A9 motorway at Montpellier (34) | Vinci Autoroutes: assistance to contracting authority missions for geotechnical engineering, external checks to monitor settlement and instrumentation of backfill in compressible zones; laboratory expert assessment mission for earthworks
  • L2 bypass, Marseille (13) | L2 Construction – Bouygues TP consortium: G3 study and monitoring mission, mobilising, within tight deadlines, our multiple software resources (Rido, Plaxis, Talren, Geomur, Geostab…) and our engineering human resources.
  • LGV SEA (South-East Atlantic high speed rail line) Tours - Bordeaux
  • Nîmes Montpellier bypass
  • LGV Barcelona-French-Spanish border high speed rail line
  • Microtunnelling machines, mining……

Other recent projects include

Pasteur Modelisation680x450

Buildings/Establishments open to the public

  • Pasteur II hospital, Nice (06) | Nice university hospital (CHU Nice): G2 PRO mission for the underpinning of building M and a G4 mission concerning retaining and foundation works, as part of phase 2 of the reconstruction of the hospital 
  • Princesse Grace Hospital (CHPG), Monaco: G3 geotechnical mission

Underground structures

Saint-Antoine underground car parkLyon (69) | Lyon Parc Auto: X, Y, Z missions including a geotechnical prime contractor mission concerning the soil impregnation injection works underneath the building

Civil engineering structures

  • Reinforcement of ramparts, Montbrison (42) | Montbrison town hall: Diagnosis and geotechnical investigations, prime contractor for the design and execution 
  • New access bridgeat Arles river port: performance of G2 PRO geotechnical engineering missions, including a campaign of investigations and laboratory tests, G2 ACT and G4

Maritime structures

  • "Rotule Fos 2XL" dock, Grand Port Maritime, Marseille (13) | GPMM: G2 Pro and G4 missions; construction of a diaphragm wall 1.2 m thick over a depth of 28.5 m anchored by a rear counter-curtain wall